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Yomi Invitational and Puzzle Strike Expansion Testing Tournaments

This weekend there will be two online tournaments for Sirlin Games, one for you to watch, and the other for you to enter. The first is Saturday (tomorrow) at 7 PM GMT (which is 11am Pacific Time) and it's an invitational Yomi tournament with four top players, casted by Aphotix. The players are friiik, MarvinPA, Choke Artist, and CrystalChaos. Watch the exciting online cast here tomorrow.

The second tournament is Sunday, and it's an online Puzzle Strike tournament open to all, played at fantasystrike.com. It uses all of the expansion characters and puzzle chips, as well as all of the base set with some of the recent experimental changes. It also uses the new "panic time" rule that increases the size of the ante that goes in your gem pile if the game goes too long. Everyone is welcome to enter, and you can sign up here.

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