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Puzzle Strike on Watch It Played

Watch It Played is an awesome series that shows how board games work and demonstrates playing them. The theory is that there's no need to "review" the games because it becomes self-evident if the game is for you once you understand whatever good qualities it happens to have. I have personally found it very helpful, and I was really excited when Flash Duel appeard on Watch It Played.

And now, the first few episodes for Puzzle Strike (3rd Edition) are up!

The rest of the episodes will be here.

Thanks Rodney and family!

Puzzle Strike 3rd Edition, the Shadows standalone expansion, and some other related goodies are now up for pre-order. Keep in mind that we still plan to ship to Kickstarter backers around the end of September, and that means non-kickstarter orders won't ship until about the end of October. (Also note, if your order *contains* anything that won't ship until the end of October, your whole order will ship together once it's all ready.)

And the free online version has been been up for quite some time now at fantasystrike.com, too.

Reader Comments (8)

Thanks for the update. I have actually been following Watch It Played since you pointed out this series and having seen the previous one. Rodney does a great job of breaking down the rules and explaining the game in an effective manner. I also like the corny humour. :D

Good work Sirlin, on getting multiple games on his show. He must enjoy your work. He is currently doing a fundraiser and mentioned that one of the stretch goals could be streamed games of something with the Watch It Played community. People should get behind this and suggest Sirlin's games, but also the benefit that people can play the games through fantasystrike.com so it would be easier to stream, plus there is the knowledge base out there of exactly how to do it. :D

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLuke Marshall

I had a quick read-through of is rewards again and I fail to see it. What items, if anything, ships in late October for KS backers?

September 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterArchon Shiva

Archon: nothing was scheduled to ship in October for kickstarter backers. But everything is scheduled to ship then for NON-kickstarter backers. We did have some delays in customs so it looks like we'll be probably be shipping all kickstarter stuff right at the end of September, which means non-kickstarter stuff would ship right at the end of October.

September 10, 2012 | Registered CommenterSirlin

Quoting you:(Also note, if your order *contains* anything that won't ship until the end of October, your whole order will ship together once it's all ready.)

What did that mean, then? Or was that disclaimed simply not KS-related?

September 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterArchon Shiva

If you go to sirlingames.com and order a whole bunch of stuff, and any of that stuff says "won't ship until october" then your entire order will not ship until october. This has nothing whatsoever to do with kickstarter.

September 10, 2012 | Registered CommenterSirlin


first, I wanted to let you know that I learned about Puzzle Strike through Watch It Played, and seeing those videos really put it on my wishlist of games to get. When the rules video began, my take was basically "well, so it's Dominion but with cardboard tokens, big deal" - watching the actual playthroughs showed me how much fun the game seems to be, and how much it adds to that formula.

I do however have to ask: is there a chance of a German version appearing? Some members of my game group do not speak English, and even with the limited need for translation Puzzle strike seems to need, that would probably mean that it would not make it to the table a lot.

Ben Gaede

September 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBen Gaede

Ben, yes Puzzle Strike is quite different than Dominion. Glad you saw it on Watch It Played. The crash / gem pile mechanic means it's inherently interactive, and has a comeback factor. No lame-duck problems where one person is way far ahead in VP but the game isn't over (there aren't VP to begin with). Faster start because your deck has character chips instead of blank cards in it. Asymmetry of characters gives you hundreds of different matchups instead of zero matchups, so there's just a lot more to it. Also, it holds up to tournament play and has pretty deep strategy even from experts who have played the base set 1000 times. The new FFA mode in 3rd Edition is pretty great even for beginners, too.

I don't have anything in the works about translating it to German right now, sorry. That would be nice, but I just don't have the bandwidth to make that happen now.

September 15, 2012 | Registered CommenterSirlin

I totally understand, but I thought asking couldn't hurt. Well, I guess that means I'll have to do a crib sheet for the players that do not speak English and then force them to play the first time. On the plus side, that means that I can get the game a lot earlier - I'll have to go by my FLGS soon and have a talk with them... :)

Thank you for your quick answer!
Ben Gaede

September 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBen Gaede
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