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Handout from my GDC Lecture

Here's the 4-page handout from my Game Developer's Conference lecture about balancing multiplayer competitive games. Several people have asked me for the link, so I also put it in my sidebar under "Multiplayer Game Balance" (click to expand it) then "Four Page Overview." Now you can find it easily in the future!

Remember that this handout was designed to be viewed on paper, rather than online. It's meant to be printed on a single sheet of 11x17 paper, folded in half to create four 8.5x11 pages. It was quite a trick to summarize the 16,000 words of my game balance articles in just four pages...but I somehow did it. Maybe you can use it as a case study about how to densely pack information in a way that still has decent aesthetics.


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Reader Comments (1)

If only some multiplayer game developers I know had read this... Great lecture!

June 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
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